Sep 2, 2006

Ad/Art Inspiration

Take this ad....
Swiffer Ad from Ladies Home Journal

Add your own creative flair....and get....

This is my take on the ad/art challenge at Butternug Squash Designs grand opening!

You can see this in my gallery HERE.

Journaling reads:
Watching the big girls, that is what you are
doing in this picture. We were at the wedding
of some friends. After the wedding various
friends were gathered outside the church
before heading to the reception. You were
one of the younger girls. You enjoyed
watching the bigger girls twirl around in
their pretty dresses and blowing the wedding
bubbles. While you were not as big as them,
this did not hamper you from playing and
enjoying little girl games.

Lady Weatherley by Christy Sturm at Butternug Squash
Font: Doodle Cursive & SaffronToo

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