May 26, 2006

Memorial Freebie

I was playing around with some brushes and the overlay function of PSE and made a paper I really liked. I thought it would be fun to make a red & blue mini kit in honor of Memorial Day.

Here is the link: Memorial.

Please leave me a comment if you download. Have a beautiful day!


Annette said...

Thank you for the beautiful freebie!

Heather said...

Thanks so much for the papers. They are very nice.
Have a great weekend.

Rebecca said...

Wow, Audrey, I didn't know you were designing now too! Great job. I'm going to play with these right now and post something quick before Amelia wakes up. :) thanks so much! :)

Rebecca said...

OK... posted this one... gotta run, Amelia's up! Lol.

Finished just in time too! :)

Rose Farver said...

cute freebie! Thanks! BTW Cocoa Pop is now available at! Love the blog too...super cute!