I found the effer dare blog earlier this week and was inspired by Dare #31. Dare #31 -- using a Book Title. I used the book Critical Mass (just because it was how I described DD's amount of hair).
Journaling reads: June 2006 - 20 months old and you finally have a critical mass of hair....meaning that you finally have enough hair to notice. While it is still too short to need a barette or pony tail holder, we have noticed that you might have some curls, especially in the back where it is longer. We were not concerned about the little amount of hair as your mom did not have much hair when she was your age (and hers was even harder to see being blond), and Mama is not lacking in that department now.
Credits: Conservatory 1 - The Reds by Christy Sturm of Butternug Squash Designs.
Torn paper Edge by Kim Hill of CGEssentials.
Fonts: Doodle Cursive.
Torn paper Edge by Kim Hill of CGEssentials.
Fonts: Doodle Cursive.
See the LO at my 3 Scrapateers gallery
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